HP82357 A/B USB 2.0 to GPIB adapter

The 82357A/B USB 2.0 to GPIB Interface provides a direct connection from a USB port to GPIB instruments. Control is completely by software. There are no switches to set, no PC cards to install, and no external power supplies required. The picture shows the original Keysight version as wel as a copy from the far east. Both versions are available via internet, new or used. The built quality of the Keysight version is clearly better, there is no difference from a functional point of view. At small instruments with a bumper the Keysight version has a better fit. The A-version seems no longer available. The user manual is available here: https://www.keysight.com/us/en/assets/9018-06142/user-manuals/9018-06142.pdf. You need to install Keysight IO Libraries suite, available for Windows and Linux. A document to help you with the Linux installation is available here. Under both OS the use of Python is straightforward, as documented in the same document. Some hints: